
Polyester Squares



 Polyester Squares



Vase. Segmented Construction. 561 pieces

Measures 8 3/4 inches tall and 5 3/8 inches in diameter at its widest section

Curly maple, Clear Polyester Casting Resin, Catalyst, and Blue Opaque Pigment Concentrate

Finish; Shellac, wax.  

Pedestal: Mahogany. Measures 5 ½” wide by 7” long and 2” thick. Waterlox finish

Light; 400 Lumen, wide angle headlamp by Coast

The wood is curly maple. The polyester squares are custom casted with blue tint and are then cut to shape using the same techniques as with wood. The maple/polyester segments are 2/3/-1/3 ratio and change in size dependent on the diameter of that ring. Thus, both polyester and maple lengths vary throughout. The pedestal, in the shape of a book was made to house a light. The vase has a “window” in its base allowing the light to shine form underneath.